Murieta Owners' Association
39821 Cedar Blvd., Newark, CA 94560
Office is located in the North Clubhouse
The Murieta complex was built in 1983 by the Duffel Company. First opened in 1984, Murieta is a 2 1/2 acre condominium complex located in the south part of Newark, CA. There are 324 units, varying from one to three bedrooms in size, spread out among 8 buildings.
The place was architecturally built in Spanish motif. Large-arched entrance facades with hanging lamps greet all residents who venture inside. Pools, spas, jacuzzis and clubhouses are located on both the North and South sides of the clubhouses. Add the palm trees to the mix, and one could easily mistake the complex for a tropical resort!
The business operations of Murieta are run by a Board of Directors. Each year, a new board is voted in by the homeowners. They determine a set of policies for establishing new initiatives, standards, and circumstances for continuing with existing operations. The board runs their meetings in accordance to Roberts Rules of Order. They hire a property manager to oversee the administration and maintenance of the complex.
Each homeowner is given a set of governing rules called the CC&Rs. The CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) contains rights of ownership, easements, restrictions of usage, conditions for making assessments, and making improvements to the units and common areas. In addition, there are a set of by-laws which were enacted after the complex was opened.